Monday 8 April 2013

From Minis to Volkswagens

Callisti is happy to promote Dumfries and Galloway based Ross Wylie, the racing driver who is gathering momentum as he achieves on-track success. The website started out when he was transitioning from Karts to the Mini Cooper competition in 2012 and now he has attracted interest from Volkswagen with whom he is competing in the VW Scirocco R-Cup for the 2013 season.

Event Search Engine - Daybees

Finally a decent event search engine - "Daybees". This is called a vertical search engine and has over 230 categories with 1.5million events or happenings at any given time in its rolling database of future fixtures.

It's a live beta launch and has already garnered interest from New York Times, Wired, and other online publications as it attempts to tap into the event-based search which seems to be the hardest one to achieve and maintain.