Sunday, 18 August 2013

Big Bang and Balls

Assisting Dumfries Rugby Club with their transition to a new website so that the secretary and club members charged with keeping the information up to date have a more streamlined system (wordpress, typically) to make things easier. The nature of sport clubs means there are considerations on how scheduled future information is managed ('fixtures') but it also has to be easy for ordinary users to enter and update the information as required.

One of the longer term time-savers is the built in wordpress media library which removes multi-stage media upload processes from earlier content management systems.

Incidentally, what's the latest on the webmaker movement as it is happening in Scotland (North West) as per

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Dodgy emails to look out for July 2013

If you get one of these email messages from Dun and BradStreet about your business credit rating - don't open it just delete it.

More advice from the REAL company can be found here:

Monday, 8 April 2013

From Minis to Volkswagens

Callisti is happy to promote Dumfries and Galloway based Ross Wylie, the racing driver who is gathering momentum as he achieves on-track success. The website started out when he was transitioning from Karts to the Mini Cooper competition in 2012 and now he has attracted interest from Volkswagen with whom he is competing in the VW Scirocco R-Cup for the 2013 season.

Event Search Engine - Daybees

Finally a decent event search engine - "Daybees". This is called a vertical search engine and has over 230 categories with 1.5million events or happenings at any given time in its rolling database of future fixtures.

It's a live beta launch and has already garnered interest from New York Times, Wired, and other online publications as it attempts to tap into the event-based search which seems to be the hardest one to achieve and maintain.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Moving WordPress installations

You must check this out Search Replace DB if you're moving to a new server or especially URL...

Of course check the WordPress Codex - keeps you comforted all the way through the process.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

For Sale in Dumfries

Update: now that the Facebook timeline has been updated, Dumfries and Galloway For Sale Free and Wanted (DAGFSFAW) has now served its initial purpose of providing an alternative to the Facebook Group. The WordPress and BuddyPress website has had a recent purge of bogus spammy users so has been cleaned up with new security and moderation in place. Existing genuine users are still able to post and comment and the registration via Facebook is still operational. There are now some adsense ads from Google on the site as part of an experimental assessment of visitor behaviour.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Ebay Shop Customisation - lower expectations or spend loads of money

Great stuff - blogger has a new look! The minimal contribution for today is to allude to how non-straightforward it is to customise ebay shops. You need a custom page template but they only really work for custom pages and not the category or product display. For those you either need to totally disable all ebay page furniture so that the optional additional html on the product listing displays properly. As for using script or jquery - possible but awkward. As soon as you enable any ebay header/banner, category listing, boxes, etc it totally restricts your customisation options. Maybe via ebay developer tools or some pro software these things are more straightforward but suspect you'll end up with about 5 tabs open in your browser when 2 would do. Ebay navigation between the user account and the shop management system is heavy to say the least.