Who you vote for is a matter for your own conscience. That said, I've been doing some work on the Mike Russell MSP website, based on a nice Atahualpa theme. The theme administration is a class above so well worth checking out...
One feature of the site is RSS feeds for Mike's voting history and his Parliamentary Questions which took a bit of fiddling to create successfully using a combination of feed43.com, publicwhip.org.uk, theyworkforyou.com and some feed-building tips.
It's reassuring to know that the information on our elected representatives is there but you have to go data mining for the more juicy stuff.
Tip for the day: always remember to sort out your application pools in IIS before tearing your hair out with URL rewriting on a Windows server.
Truth Wins at Last
Recently, the saga of Rangers Football Club (the original and up to now
very much best version) ended when the old club finally were liquidated. In
the twe...
3 months ago