Showing posts with label surveys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surveys. Show all posts

Monday, 30 March 2009

Badger Surveys in Dumbartonshire

Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy is carrying out badger surveys in Dumbartonshire this weather. They are also concentrating bat surveys in Glasgow, and bat surveys in Perthshire.

This is in line with SEO Geo-targeting updates to the website content. Throughout the year the survey work will be carried out in different areas of the UK so the content and news needs to be updated to reflect this.

If we stick to this strategy we can measure how effective this is and how quick the response is with search engines and resulting traffic.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Bat Surveys and Wildlife Consultancy

Some additional work on Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy has helped structure the pages with more relevance and is more SEO friendly.

Google has given an initial PageRank 2 which is nice and the sitemap has been resubmitted to feature bird surveys and bat surveys. These are key phrases besides wildlife consultancy for this client.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Today I have been mostly...

While the dust settles from recent website hiccups for Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival, Callisti started populating an Arts Festival blog on Wordpress as an experimental resource.

I was also discovering the strangest feelings while learning about the flirtation of getting quotations and prices for potential work. For the quoter it's like buying a house in Scotland - blind bids... and it's true what they say about Rackspace...

Still been checking out the famously cheap films on iLoaded for download - some good titles in the movie download section.

Also our Annan seed potato merchant is now a Callisti SEO number one for "seed potatoes" - how about that!

Still waiting for a PageRank and a re-caching by google is the bat surveys and wildlife consultancy service but you can't get to number one overnight.

Another touchbase was the self catering log cabin down at Kippford which isn't that far from Elm Cottage in Kippford.

Finally the Lockerbie Computer Services persons are getting all multimedia this festive season - we await with mulled breath what Santa will bring.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Bat Surveys

This is a whole new world of activity for a desk jockey like me.

Stuart Spray Wildlife consultancy have recently launched their new website informing of their bat surveys, tree surveys and habitat surveys - all part of the range of wildlife consultancy services they offer.

They cover the UK but most of their work is in Southern Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway) and the North of England (Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria)

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Wildlife Consultancy

Callisti has recently carried out SEO work for Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy.

This is a UK based wildlife consultant that specialises in bat surveys, habitat surveys, and range of services for protected species survey, mitigation, research and so forth to ensure proposed developments adhere to Scottish, English and European legislation.