Showing posts with label consultancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consultancy. Show all posts

Monday, 30 March 2009

Badger Surveys in Dumbartonshire

Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy is carrying out badger surveys in Dumbartonshire this weather. They are also concentrating bat surveys in Glasgow, and bat surveys in Perthshire.

This is in line with SEO Geo-targeting updates to the website content. Throughout the year the survey work will be carried out in different areas of the UK so the content and news needs to be updated to reflect this.

If we stick to this strategy we can measure how effective this is and how quick the response is with search engines and resulting traffic.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Bat Surveys and Wildlife Consultancy

Some additional work on Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy has helped structure the pages with more relevance and is more SEO friendly.

Google has given an initial PageRank 2 which is nice and the sitemap has been resubmitted to feature bird surveys and bat surveys. These are key phrases besides wildlife consultancy for this client.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Bat Surveys

This is a whole new world of activity for a desk jockey like me.

Stuart Spray Wildlife consultancy have recently launched their new website informing of their bat surveys, tree surveys and habitat surveys - all part of the range of wildlife consultancy services they offer.

They cover the UK but most of their work is in Southern Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway) and the North of England (Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria)

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Wildlife Consultancy

Callisti has recently carried out SEO work for Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy.

This is a UK based wildlife consultant that specialises in bat surveys, habitat surveys, and range of services for protected species survey, mitigation, research and so forth to ensure proposed developments adhere to Scottish, English and European legislation.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Google Listings

Just tried a speculative search in UK results for 'usability and seo' and callisti comes up in postition 8. Remove the 'and' and it shifts to 3rd or 4th page. Encouraging though all the same. I must update the sitemap now that some content for user testing and seo consultancy has been added in a subdirectory for the website.

User testing or website usability

I'm not even sure if usability is actually a word beyond the realms of websites and graphical user interfaces. Anyhow, user testing is a research component of the website usability consultancy service offered by Callisti.

A client's website is examined in several ways: what does the unassuming user discover unprompted when visiting the website; how does the user navigate through the site and what is her experience of this; how does the client intend the website to work; etc.

By compiling the findings we can report back on a convergence strategy that aims to improve ROI and goal conversion from the client's point of view while simultaneously improving user feedback.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

SEO is not alchemy

SEO services that professional companies should offer you:

  • Online Market research - Competitor and industry research, research into the psychology of the targeted audience, keyword research etc.
  • On-site optimisation - On-site changes that are made in order to improve search engine rankings. On-page optimisation can include improving keyword density, writing headings and meta tags, cleaning source code, setting up links etc.
  • Copywriting - Writing content for your website is an important part of any search engine optimisation campaign. It doesn't matter if your website ranks #1 if the words don't communicate your message and make the sale.
  • Off-site optimisation and marketing - Includes setting up external links, partnerships, manual submission to search engines, directories, setting up ads etc.
  • Tracking and ROI Analysis - Tracking traffic changes and patterns as well as accurate ROI analysis is what makes a SEO campaign successful or not.

You should expect to pay for all of the above services, they are all part of search engine optimisation and they all require time, knowledge and other resources in order to be successfully carried out. Some other aspects of SEO consultancy that are likely to incur costs are:

  • Email and phone consultations
  • Client training and education
  • Preparation of reports and other documents and materials related to services to be provided