Saturday, 8 November 2008

Wildlife Consultancy

Callisti has recently carried out SEO work for Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy.

This is a UK based wildlife consultant that specialises in bat surveys, habitat surveys, and range of services for protected species survey, mitigation, research and so forth to ensure proposed developments adhere to Scottish, English and European legislation.

MyWishWand on Wordpress

There is now a dedicated Wordpress blog keeping abreast of updates to the MyWishWand wishlist and gift ideas for the family website.

Friday, 7 November 2008

When links aren't allowed

One of the irritations of building links is affiliate based wholesalers.

There is a mini-blog for MyWishWand, the gift wishlist site with virtual shopping mall and gift ideas tool but we've been frustrated in our attempts for the wholesalers and retailers to provide a link to the website even though it is a portal to their products.

You will often find that these companies will have a one-way link policy so they benefit from all traffic driven to them by external affiliate partners without reciprocating.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

MyWishWand on Squidoo

Squidoo allows users to create a 'lens' on a subject that is of interest and has become one of the top 300 US sites with over 700, 000 users.

There is an updateable entry on MyWishWand that provides a review of the services of the Gift Wishlist site. This is part of Callisti's ongoing provision of web 2.0 and review services.


Sundials, gnomons, solar time, mean time, winter solstice, true south

Where is my mind #2

That's 2 respected minds now that have extolled the virtues of NLP. Lifehack your mind?

We are underused.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Meeting of minds

Callisti is now in talks with ICT Advisor to develop new working relationships for international ecommerce SEO.

After attending a Business Gateway event in Gretna (Dumfries and Galloway) it was clear that more investment in building knowledge and skills would be the true path to illumination.

There are upcoming opportunities for tenders and Callisti says put best foot forward.